Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crossover Wine Steam Nvidia Fedora 19 x64 Helper Post

On my Fedora 19 x64 system I needed to install a few extra i686 (or 32-bit) packages to get my gaming softwares to work. To do so I used the below yum command (it's a LONG one).

yum install isdn4k-utils.i686 cups-libs.i686 dbus-libs.i686 fontconfig.i686 mesa-libGLU.i686 gstreamer-plugins-base.i686 gstreamer.i686 gnutls.i686 libgphoto2.i686 gsm.i686 libjpeg-turbo.i686 openldap.i686 lcms-libs.i686 libmpg123.i686 openal-soft.i686 libpng.i686 sane-backends-libs.i686 libv4l.i686 libXcomposite.i686 libXcursor.i686 libXinerama.i686 libxml2.i686 libxslt.i686 openssl-libs.i686 nss-mdns.i686 gnupg:i686 gnupg xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686

The gaming apps in question were Wine, Crossover and Steam. I suppose it'd apply to any other 32-bit game or OpenGL app.

Pithos Pandora Client in Fedora 19 / 20

I had a dickens of a time trying to find Pithos packages for Fedora 19. At a loss for answers I figured I'd build it myself. After searching Google for a bit I came up with

It's for Fedora 16 and 17 but it worked for Fedora 19 just fine. Below is a rehash of the steps needed to download and compile Pithos.

Step 1 - Input this command to add the rpmfusion repositories. One long command.

yum localinstall --nogpgcheck

Step 2 - Input this yum command to install dependencies for Pithos. One long command.

yum install python pyxdg pygobject2 pylast gstreamer-python notify-python gtk2-python dbus-python gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly python-distutils-extra git python-setuptools

Step 3 - Where the magic happens. We download the source, compile and install. Three seperate commands, one on each line.

git clone
cd pithos
sudo python install --prefix=/usr

Also, I think the original author sums it up best with...

Due to the nature of this software, one might suggest getting the paid version of Pandora (the plan sans ads) to make yourself feel better when using this.  (Pithos has infinite skips and no ads…)